Public Works
The Public Works Department provides the highest quality of service to Village residents, property and infrastructures in an efficient, professional manner.
The Department is responsible for the maintenance and repair of streets, public grounds and parks, storm sewers, removal of ice and snow, collection of waste materials, animal control and forestry.
The Public Works Department is open Monday – Friday from 7:00 am – 3:30 pm.
Public Works Coordinator: Todd Waters
Phone: 715-294-3407 or cell # 715-417-0973
Fax: 715-294-2210
E-mail: toddwaters@myosceola.com
Garbage, Recycling, Composting, Brush & Leaves
Winter Parking Restrictions
**Unoccupied vehicles are prohibited from parking on any Village street between the hours of 2 am and 6 am between November 15 and April 15 except with prior police approval. Vehicle owners are subject to towing, storage charges and a parking ticket.**