
Election Information


Spring Primary Election: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 – if needed
Spring Election: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Incumbent Marsh Hovey has filed Notification of Noncandidacy paper on December 18, 2024.


If you are not already registered to vote in the Village of Osceola, you will need to register before an Absentee Ballot can be mailed to you. All requests for an Absentee Ballot must be made in writing by the elector. A photo ID is required with the application.

Request a ballot online at myvote.com.

You can request an application for an Absentee Ballot in person at the clerk’s office. This can be done beginning the third Monday before the election and ends at 5:00 pm the Friday before the election.

To request by mail, complete the Application for Absentee Ballot and mail it to the Village Clerk, PO Box 217, Osceola, WI 54020. The Application must be received by the Clerk no later than 5:00 pm on the Thursday before the election for an Absentee Ballot to be mailed to you.

Deadline for returning Absentee Ballot: Your completed absentee ballot must be returned before the 8:00 pm closing of the polls on Election Day. If you are returning your ballot in person, it should be handed in at the front counter in Village Hall, 310 Chieftain Street. The U.S. Postal Service recommends absentee ballots be mailed at least one week before Election Day to arrive in time to beat the submission deadline.

Type E Notice of Absentee Voting 02-18-2025

NOTICE OF PUBLIC TEST Spring Primary Election FEB 2025

Voter Registration Information

If you have moved or changed your name since the last time you voted or haven’t voted in a few years, you will have to re-register to vote. You can register at the polls on Election Day, at the My Vote Wisconsin link My Vote Wisconsin, in person at City Hall, or by downloading and mailing an application.  This is a link to the voter registration form: Voter Registration Form.  You will need to provide proof of residency with one of the following items a Wisconsin unexpired drivers license or State issued ID showing your current address, a utility bill, bank statement, pay stub, or other state or federal document with your current address on it.